Abstract / Important dates

Official languages of the scientific conference:
The official languages of the scientific meeting is English.

September 17th, 2024. – Abstract submission deadline;

Abstracts of up to 300 words must be submitted in English and Serbian by SEPTEMBER 17th, 2024 to email: cesged@yahoo.com (Times New Roman, size 12, title of work 14: capital letters, subtitles 12: capital letters, single spacing, margins 2.5 cm, size A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), up to 7 keywords).

Paper Submission
The deadline for submitting complete papers is OCTOBER 31th, 2024; papers (minimum of 5 pages to one author’s tab, Times New Roman, size 12, title of paper 14: capital letters, authors: small letters, size 12 with affiliations; author’s email, subtitles 12: capital letters, single spacing, margins 2.5 cm, size A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), up to 7 keywords, APA style) are submitted in English to email: cesged@yahoo.com

Paper presentation
The time allocated for a presentation is 10 minutes, with a further 5 minutes allowed for discussion. Paper presentation should be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Registration fee
The conference fee is 280,00 EUR. Foreign currency payments from abroad should be made to a current foreign currency account: RS35200352443010198823 Banka Poštanska štedionica a.d. Beograd.

The conference fee for authors from Serbia is 32.000,00 RSD. Make dinar payments to a current RSD account:
200-3524430101890-26 Banka Poštanska štedionica, a.d. Beograd.